5 Best Exercises to Improve Your Lung Health

5 Best Exercises to Improve Your Lung Health

People with lung issues like asthma, chronic bronchitis, or chest muscle disorders often experience shortness of breath. While it is common to avoid physical activity due to breathing difficulties, there are specific exercises tailored to improve breathing and lung health for individuals with such conditions.

If you have shortness of breath or a disorder in the lungs, you should first consult your health condition with your doctor before deciding on what kind of exercise type is best for you. If you have got the green light, you don't have to worry and hesitate to exercise anymore.

In principle, don't force yourself too much to exceed the limit of your body's ability. If you experience increased breathlessness during exercise, it’s crucial to stop immediately, sit down, calm your mind, and restore your breathing to normal. Given these concerns, it is advisable to have a workout partner or instructor present during your exercise. 

Here are some recommended types of sports that you can try to engage in, this will not only help strengthen your body, but it can also help to improve your respiratory function!

1. Walk

Walking is the simplest physical activity that can be done at any time and anywhere. Anyone can also try it, be it the elderly, adults, and children. This type of exercise is also good to help improve your breathing patterns.

By adjusting the breathing pattern, over time you will build better breathing capacity. But do make sure not to force yourself to walk too fast, you should give your body a chance to walk slowly and at your own pace. The key is to do it consistently, at the very least twice a week.

2. Swimming or Water Aerobics

Every type of movement in water, be it swimming or water aerobics, is a good physical activity for people with lung issues. Swimming can train the lung and diaphragm muscles to be stronger due to greater pressure in the water during the breathing cycle.

Meanwhile, for those of you who are not used to swimming, just walking in the pool while moving your arms can also work to train your lung muscles. This can also help you improve your body's fitness so that it is not easy to experience shortness of breath.

3. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient fitness exercise that originated in China. Practising Tai Chi will not only enhance your physical fitness but also incorporate breathing techniques that can naturally improve the health of your lungs.

The Tai Chi movement blends art and fitness, so it tends to be slow and graceful. These various movements can help you to relax, calm your mind, improve posture, and maintain body balance.

4. Yoga

Yoga is a physical activity that does not require a lot of heart and blood vessel capacity. However, this sport involves more of a combination of stretching, breathing, balance, and body flexibility techniques. You can customize various yoga poses to suit your breathing capacity. Yoga movements are also very safe to avoid the occurrence of shorter breaths.

Yoga can help improve respiratory function because it incorporates controlled breathing exercises, deep breaths, respiratory muscle strength, and overall respiratory function - which can help promote lung capacity.

You can practice yoga anywhere in your home without the need for many accessories. All you need is a yoga mat, and even if that’s not available - a rug at home can still suffice. Just make sure that you always use a rug cleaner to clean it regularly, a rug can be the ultimate breeding point for dust. As an individual with respiratory problems, you should avoid dusty and unclean environments, especially in areas or items used for workouts, as it can potentially harm your lung health.

5. Pilates

In addition to yoga, you can also do pilates activities to train and strengthen your respiratory system. Pilates is a contemporary version of yoga, where the movements focus more on forging the body's stamina. Pilates can help improve your condition, making it possible to move and breathe more efficiently when doing more strenuous activities.

The ultimate reason why Pilates is really good for improving your lungs is because Pilates emphasizes mindful and controlled breathing techniques. The movement focuses on deep and diaphragmatic breathing which can enhance lung capacity and help strengthen your respiratory muscle. The emphasis on controlled movement in Pilates can also increase the intake of oxygen, promoting better oxygen exchange in the lungs.

Taking care of your lungs is crucial for sustaining life and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By engaging in the sports activities that we listed above, you can indeed contribute to improving your lung health and overall respiratory function!