Stay Edgy, Be You - Hair Styles for Spring and Summer 2017

Fashion Week has always been an enormous influence on hair trends, as well as what's the easiest hair style to use and what's popular on other runways. This year was no different, all of which give way to a variety of styles and many people are reverting to older styles. Certain hairstyles were more popular than others, but when comparing these to other runway hair styles, the verdict is in!

The "Slick" Cut
There are a few looks that were especially prominent on the runway recently, and all of them screamed the same thing: power. Most popular on the runways were both long and short hair slicked back with either a wet or extremely combed look. Hair stays out of your eyes and still has a very professional look. This look also has been paired with the "wet" style. It's important to note, however, that all of these styles have been with entirely straight hair, definitely produced with a professional hair straightener or even combing straight using an epic carving comb razor from Donald Scott.

Feeling Bad to the Bone?
Another popular look that has been ruling the runways lately is the 80's curls! With a blast from the past, those big curls work with short or long hair, though short hair takes the crown for most popular. Even the waviest hair with smaller curls had a very natural look and gave a hint of sophistication.

Plaits and Braids
Probably the most favourite of all of these is the increasing rise of plaits used in hairstyles! Whether it's a short cut with a small braid blending in or a long ponytail with a sleek fishtail braid, these are the common element in every look. The best thing about utilising a plait is that they are so easy to do, and can be used when hair is resting on your shoulders, up in a ponytail, and are often coupled with ribbons or flowers.

How to Make the Look?
Many of these looks can be done at home, but for the best results, it's best to see a professional hair stylist! Not only will they have the knowledge in how to get just the cut and style you want, but they also have access to tools that the average person doesn't. Some of these tools are vital in creating the perfect hair style, especially the most popular tools.

When it comes to shorter, textured looks, which is one of the popular looks for the spring and especially the upcoming summer, it's best to use the carving comb razor from Donald Scott. This allows the stylist more room to work with when creating a genuinely edgy look, especially when going for a pixie cut. Paired with shears or simply used by itself, this razor hair-cutting tool is perfect for rocking short hair and creating extra texture, new shapes, and increasing ease of movement. The most famous fringes on pixie cuts use the comb razor as well, cutting the hair in small pieces that look almost jagged, which keeps away from those even bangs that are out of style.

One more very popular tool to use is Donald Scott's swivel twist, which is just as cool as it sounds! With a combed razor on one side, the swivel twist offers a different razor on the other side. This new razor takes 25% of the hair, taking off some of the weight that holds our favourite styles down. Perfect for medium and shorter hair, this razor helps with all of the popular looks from earlier, including the slick combed back look as many of them have points at the end rather than an even cut. This tool helps with surface cutting, point cutting, pinch carving and tease carving, giving way to an endless variety of new edgy styles.